Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lets build an armory!

One of the things i've been obsessing over latley is the idea of building an armory. I know it's not the most "practical" thing to want, but never the less i'm gonna make one. And it will be mine, all mine!

Only problem is financing and stocking it, I want to use mainly WP weapons for both cost and aesthetics. Plus the fact that parts from an AK can be used in a saiga 12k. Plus it makes sense for a commie to have weapons from the former motherland, what else would I use? That NATO crap? *Pfftt*


In any case, I have a list of some weapons I should stock.

30-60 AK-AKM variants Can't go wrong here can I?

20-30 Saiga 12ks Because 12 guage is SOOOO cheap

60 9x18 pistols Gotta have a sidearm...

20 Nagant revolvers just cause their cool really

40-50 Mosin nagant rifles good old fasioned russan killing!

5-10 Dragonov SVD rifles My screen name IS sniper joe after all...

On top of that, it would be a good idea to get a few NATO guns. Just in case.

Hmm... Perhaps I should get a paypal account going to stock this thing.

Randomness: Pull the airlock! Hurry up! *Thud* NOOOOOOOOOO! My sandwich!

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